A new nonprofit hopes to keep young residents in Hawaii by developing affordable housing

April 12, 2022

By Michelle Broder Van Dyke, Spectrum News

Homes in Wailupe and Niu Valley on Oahu. (Courtesy Getty Images/Merten Snijders)

HONOLULU — A new nonprofit, Housing Hawaii's Future, started by young Hawaii residents, focuses on developing affordable workforce housing for their peers.  

“Our goal at Housing Hawaii's Future is to educate students and young professionals about the workforce housing issue and equip them with the skills and knowledge necessary for effective civic engagement,” Sterling Higa, a University of Hawaii at Manoa alum, who co-founded the nonprofit, told Spectrum News. 

He said they hope the nonprofit will help hard-working locals find quality housing, allowing them to afford to stay in Hawaii. Housing Hawaii’s Future will achieve its goals by working on policy research, outreach and education, and leadership development.  

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Column: Engaging next generation of leaders for a sustainable Hawaii


UH alumnus hopes to develop young leaders to tackle Hawaiʻi housing crisis